

类型:影视解说 短剧 印尼 2023 

主演:Vino G. Bastian 阿迪帕蒂·多尔肯 Desy Ratnasari 

导演:Rako Prijanto 



《嗜血魔灵【影视解说】》剧情简介:《嗜血魔灵【影视解说】》上映于 2023年,是一部印尼制片出品,由Vino,G.,Bastian,阿迪帕蒂·多尔肯,Desy,Ratnasari等主演的短剧,对白语言为印尼语

 Kosim became rich after finding gold in the river in the village of Hirupbagja. He soon marries Sumi and lives a prosperous life as a landlord. When their child, Didi, was born, his soul was possessed by Albert Dominique's spirit, which was thirsty for blood and terrorized the villagers. Kosim tries to cover up this fact because he is currently running for the new Village Head. He must be able to beat Soleh, who has already won the sympathy of the villagers. But when the spirit threatens his family's life, Kosim decides to free Didi from the influence of Albert Dominique. To do this, Kosim must confront Dorman, a black sorcerer who wants to avenge his great-grandfather on the people who have destroyed his life.



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