

《噩梦实验【影视解说】》剧情简介:《噩梦实验【影视解说】》上映于 2019年,是一部俄罗斯制片出品,由奥莎娜·阿金什那,彼得·斯科沃尔佐夫,奥列格·瓦西里科夫,安娜·思卢,Anastasiya,Kuimova,Aleksandr,Molochnikov,Alexandra,Drozdova,Valeriy,Kukhareshin等主演的短剧,对白语言为俄语

In the main character, under mysterious circumstances, the brother dies. The girl begins to pursue realistic nightmares, and she goes to the Institute of Somnology, where she and other patients are immersed in a joint lucid dream. But after dawn, they will wake up in a completely different reality, which is worse than any nightmare ...


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