

《致命报复【影视解说】》剧情简介:《致命报复【影视解说】》上映于 2019年,是一部美国制片出品,由杰西卡·贝尔金,吉娜·赫尔顿,米切尔·霍格,大卫·理柏,Gerald,Webb,Novi,Brown,Ashley,Renee,Olivia,Bak,Jen,L.,Burry,Jojo,Cottle,Tim,Eliot等主演的短剧,对白语言为英语

New school headmaster and single mother Kathy discovers her vacation fling with charming 18-year-old Ian was no accident when he transfers to her school targeting Kathy and her teenage daughter Bree in a deadly scheme. Ian wants revenge as he believes Kathy is responsible for splitting up his family ultimately leading to his father's death. Kathy will need to uncover Ian's motives quickly if she hopes to protect herself and Bree from his dangerous threats.


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